A Super Nice Japanese Song — Promise【Yakusoku 約束】Akie秋絵 | Lyrics
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◘ Original :

• 【Akie秋絵】約束 Promise【歌ってみた】
◘ Bilibili : https://space.bilibili.com/4176573/
◘ Twitter :

/ akie0126
◘ Youtube Chanel :

/ @akie0126

◘ Illustration Picture From :

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❄【A Super Nice Japanese Songs】❄

• A Super Nice Japanese Song — Summer i...

❄【Japanese Song Collection】❄

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For the future there may be a new category namely "Promote"
you can promote yourself / upload your cover songs on this channel
with a note: clear audio quality
and you can freely fill in the description, which connects about yourself or whatever it is

You can send me an email to ; kuropika31@gmail.com
Or messege me on facebook fanpage :

/ noricha-727614520965221

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All music and picture in my channel is not mine, i just share to you all ♥ don't forget to support the artist so they can continue to work with their latest songs or pictures

I don't get advertising money from this channel
100% of the ads are distributed to the song owner/creator/studio/copyright managerlabel
i just share Japanese songs that I like that I often listen to, which are good, beautiful and deep in meaning, because I think Japanese songs it is very healing and very nice,
almost all Japanese songs have a deep meaning in the lyrics, especially when you are feeling depressed / sad

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