Triple Trouble but Every Turn a Different Character Sings 🎶 (FNF Triple Trouble but Everyone Sings)
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Triple Trouble BETADCIU
Cover by Neonight, Snow the Fox, Vitor0502, and Lylace
Rechart by niffirg, Fidy, Glitchy2260, and Kye_VL
GPOP.IO rendition by crafty453
(Note: When Amor and the president guy (don't know his name) sing, the notes are reversed, so I got a bit confused.)
Rechart by niffirg, Fidy, Glitchy2260, and Kye_VL
GPOP.IO rendition by crafty453
(Note: When Amor and the president guy (don't know his name) sing, the notes are reversed, so I got a bit confused.)
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