πš‹β‚‘wα΅’β…Όπšβ‚‘α΅£α—°β‚‘πš—πš - Vs Dave & Bambi Fantrack
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The final bewilderment rechart
the other one was garbage

Fellas is it gay to kiss a girl?
i mean your literally kissing someone who likes dicc.
Fellas is it gay to drink water?
i mean the male body is literally 70% water, you're literally deepthroating another man.
Fellas, is it gay to look in a mirror?
i mean you're literally checking out a man body.
Fellas is it gay to make money?
i mean you're literally collecting pictures of other men.
Fellas is it gay to master bait?
i mean you're literally touching a dicc.
Fellas is it gay to see?
i mean you're literally observing in a world with lots of dicc.
Fellas is it gay to be a man?
i mean you're literally walking around with a dicc attached to you.
Fellas is it gay to breathe?
i mean you're literally inhaling dicc particles.
Fellas is it gay to to exist?
i mean your litterally choosing to be in a world with so much dicc.
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The final bewilderment rechart
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