07 Ghost OST ~Raggs no Chinkonka~ + Lyrics!!
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07 Ghost OST ~Raggs no Chinkonka~ + Lyrics!! part.02
I DO NOT OWN THE ANIME OR SONG! This is a fan-made video!

Raggs no Chinkonka (from the 07-Ghost OST)
Artist: Noria

I love this anime and its manga!
It has moments that you'll laugh so hard to moments that you'll be in tears. This is my first "lyrics" AMV so sorry when there are mistakes.

Comments and Rates are loved!!!! =D

~+ English Lyrics +~
I search for your footprints
In stars in snow in memories
Whether it is the eternal peace
This is amids of a dream

With small wings, I ran across the hill
Straying from the road I close my eyes

I search for your footprints
In stars in snow in memories
Whether it is the eternal peace
This is amids of a dream

It all went back to someday
Alone, at the end of of sky by yourself
The peace you wait for
Leaving behind a trail of light

With small wings, I ran across the hill
Straying from the road I close my eyes

With these unwavering wings,
I search for your footprints
In dreams in love in hearts
Leaving behind eternal light

Giving you eternal love
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07 Ghost OST ~Raggs no Chinkonka~ + Lyrics!! part.02
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